- balance theory of sex
- теория полового баланса* * *теория полового баланса
English-russian biological dictionary. 2013.
English-russian biological dictionary. 2013.
Sex-selective abortion and infanticide — Sex selective abortion is the targeted abortion of a fetus based upon its sex. This is done after a determination is made (usually by ultrasound but also rarely by amniocentesis or another procedure) that the fetus is of an undesired sex. Sex… … Wikipedia
Blanchard, Bailey, and Lawrence theory controversy — The BBL Controversy also known as the Autogynephilia Controversy is an ongoing and heated line of discussion in the transgendered community. The subject, Blanchard, Bailey, and Lawrence theory, is a theory of transsexual taxonomy developed by Ray … Wikipedia
Attachment theory — … Wikipedia
Strain theory (sociology) — In criminology, the strain theory states that social structures within society may encourage citizens to commit crime. Following on the work of Émile Durkheim, Strain Theories have been advanced by Merton (1938), Cohen (1955), Cloward and Ohlin… … Wikipedia
Alcohol and sex — Alcohol consumption has a number of effects on sexual intercourse and sexual behavior.[1] The effects of alcohol are a balance between its suppressive effects on sexual physiology, which will decrease sexual activity, and its suppression of… … Wikipedia
XY sex-determination system — Drosophila sex chromosomes The XY sex determination system is the sex determination system found in humans, most other mammals, some insects (Drosophila) and some plants (Ginkgo). In this system, females have two of the same kind of sex… … Wikipedia
History of attachment theory — Attachment theory, originating in the work of John Bowlby, is a psychological, evolutionary and ethological theory that provides a descriptive and explanatory framework for understanding interpersonal relationships between human beings. In order… … Wikipedia
Equity theory — attempts to explain relational satisfaction in terms of perceptions of fair/unfair distributions of resources within interpersonal relationships. It was first developed in 1962 by John Stacy Adams, a workplace and behavioral psychologist, who… … Wikipedia
Medium theory — See also: Media studies Medium theory is the name assigned to a variety of approaches used to examine how the means of expression of human communication impact the meaning(s) of human communication(s). Joshua Meyrowitz originated the term in his… … Wikipedia
Пола определения балансовая теория — * полу вызначэння балансавая тэорыя * balance theory of sex determination or balance hypothesis … Генетика. Энциклопедический словарь
evolution — evolutional, adj. evolutionally, adv. /ev euh looh sheuhn/ or, esp. Brit., /ee veuh /, n. 1. any process of formation or growth; development: the evolution of a language; the evolution of the airplane. 2. a product of such development; something… … Universalium